Latest UTCache version: 2.3 [Download] (Compatible with UT2003 vAll versions)
I released an update that removes the annoying v3204 check for those who installed that patch. Oh and I'd like to welcome Gedion who has joined me as a coder in this project! So hopefully some updates will come soon.
The downloads page now has UTCache for UT2004 available! Get it now!
Fraggi has just posted a very nice review about UTCache on UT2003HQ. Read it here.
UTCache v2.0 is released! Go check it out ASAP at the download page! You can read the changelog there to.
I've started work on UTCache v2.0, which will be totally different from the old versions. I'll be posting screenshots soon, so go check'em out!
UTCache's site: (<- you are here) is ready. Updates and news will be published primarily here. An update with the correct site in the About box as well as several other additions has been published in the downloads sections
UTCache and site © 2002-2003 Thomas Calvert aka MixBlast.If you have any questions contact me