VBA Support


All Geodesix functions can be called and the UI completely customised from VBA. A sample spreadsheet is supplied, view it with Help->VBA.

To enable these functions:

  1. Open Excel
  2. Open the VBA editor
  3. Insert a new Module
  4. Paste this file into the module source
  5. Save the module and rename it “Geodesix_” (notice the trailing underscore).

You can now use these functions:

Name Type Description Arguments VBA Sample
addressbar Function Displays the address bar true or false Position cmbPosition.value
clicked Function Returns the coordinates where the user last clicked on the map (that is displayed in the ‘Find’ field in the toolbar). Returns 0 if never clicked MsgBox Clicked
default Method Restores the default map Default
drawcircle Method Draws a circle on the map id, lat, lng, radius, text, strokecolour, strokeopacity, strokeweight, fillcolour, fillopacity DrawCircle 1, 48.868916, 2.37793, 100000, “Paris”, “navy”, 1, 2, “yellow”, 0.5
drawdirections Method Draws directions on the map. The first point is the origin, the last point is the destination and all the others are mandatory waypoints id, points, mode, strokecolour, strokeopacity, strokeweight, suppressInfoWindows, suppressMarkers DrawDirections 2, points, “driving”, “blue”, 1, 3, False, False
drawinfowindow Method Draws an infowindow on the map id, lat, lng, content DrawInfoWindow 3, 48.33099, 4.635069, “near Troyes”
drawkml Method Draws a KML outline on the map id, kmlurl, text, strokecolour, strokeopacity, strokeweight, fillcolour, fillopacity DrawKML 8, “Switzerland”, “CH”, “red”, 0.5, 3, “white”, 0.4
drawlegend Method Draws a legend id, URI, location DrawLegend 27, “http://www.calvert.ch/download/legend.htm”, “right_bottom”
drawline Method Draws a line on the map id, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, text, strokecolour, strokeopacity, strokeweight DrawLine 4, 45.825284, 1.273252, 46.19155, 6.129209, “Dijon-Geneva”, “fuchsia”, 0.8, 6
drawmarker Method Creates an icon on the map. The title appears when hovering over the icon. Clicking the icon displays the HTML, formatted id, latitude, longitude, icon, title, html DrawMarker 5, 47.313063, 5.041563, “http://www.calvert.ch/images/mapicons/bigcity.png”, “Dijon Castle”
drawpolygon Method Draws a polygon on the map DrawPolygon 6, points, “Good wine here!”, “red”, 1, 3, “green”, 0.3 DrawPolygon 6, points, “Good wine here!”, “red”, 1, 3, “green”, 0.3
drawpolyline Method Draws a Polyline on the map DrawPolyLine 7, points, “ZigZag”, “aqua”, 0.8, 4
help Function Displays the help page over the map. Returns Whether the page is currently being displayed None Help CBool(cmbHelp.value)
language Function Sets the map’s language. Returns the current language Language code as listed at http://code.google.com/apis/maps/faq.html#languagesupport Language cmbLanguage.value
navigate Method Displays a webpage instead of a map. Use ‘default’ to go back to the map page A URL Navigate “http://www.google.ch/?hl=en”
position Function Docks the map pane. Returns where it is currently docked Top, Bottom, Left, Right Position cmbPosition.value
regionbias Function Sets the map’s region bias Returns the current region bias. See http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/#RegionCodes Language code as listed at http://code.google.com/apis/maps/faq.html#languagesupport RegionBias cmbRegion.value
showing Function Displays what type of page the map pane is currently displaying: geocoder, filght, route or url MsgBox Showing
showlocation Method Displays a place, with appropriate zooming The name of a place ShowLocation “France”
showsheet Method Displays a map sheet. This is equivalent to selecting a sheet in the map sheet dropdown in the map pane toolbar, but without displaying any popup messages. If the sheet doesn’t exist or isn’t in the correct format, nothing happens. Sheet name ShowSheet “Europe”
taskpane Function Displays or hides the map pane. Returns true if it currently being displayed, false otherwise Boolean TaskPane cmbTaskPane.value
taskpanemenu Function Displays or hides the menu bar at the top of the map pane. Returns true if it currently being displayed, false otherwise. You should set this to false when displaying a URL Boolean TaskPaneMenu cmbTaskPaneMenu.value
url Function Displays the url that the map pane is currently displaying MsgBox URL
zoomtoicons Method Zooms the map to fit everything that’s been drawn (icons, circles, directions, etc) ZoomToIcons
 Posted by on 2011/07/11 at 06:30

  2 Responses to “VBA Support”

  1. Any chance of getting a copy of source code of GeodesiX

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